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According to people’s comments on twitter #edci339, it is obvious that everyone likes it, and they are in favor of it. They have clearly said that it provides support to them, and they will be very happy to help each other through this platform. Open learning provides them to communicate more, gives them freedom of speech, and makes room for them to share their thoughts. Some people added that open learning is better than the previous method. Books and notebooks are outdated. Now, this is a more convenient method as one can get knowledge while sitting home. Students can find whatever they want to because open learning provides a bundle of knowledge within seconds. There are numerous articles on a single topic. People mentioned that they could also learn about anything without even taking permission from their families. Some strict parents don’t allow their child to study the subjects he/she wants to. Someone mentioned that students who do not have internet access or those who live in areas where the internet is a problem could not be privileged from this education system. Some are digital illiterates who do not know how to use technology to find open learning difficult.
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